I wish I could say that the watercolor I've added to the header is my work but alas, no. It's something I picked up on one of my thrift store visits here in Tucson. I am a thrifter, "Hello, my name is Judy and I can't drive by a thrift store without stopping." I am the one who has the car door open and one foot out the door before the car has come to a complete and final stop. Treasure is calling to me! I was called to this piece at a, sad to say, now defunct thrift store. It was a wonderful place with a hodge-podge of furniture outside, piles of dusty, unorganized stuff inside and cases crammed full of all sorts of interesting treasure. It always reminded me my Grandma's attic which was always off-limits to us kids. It was in one of the glass cases that I found a stack of watercolors with all sorts of subject matter. From that stack I chose this one. When I asked how much, the proprietor said those great words dear to the heart of every thrifter "I don't know, what do you want to give me for it?" I used to play a game with myself of not buying anything over 5 bucks-so out I walked with my $5 masterpiece.
Now here the story gets interesting. The piece was not framed and as you may know, the real money is sometimes in the framing. I decided framing it would be my Christmas present one year and took my 40% off coupon to one of those fabric/craft stores and chose frame, mat, glass. The nice lady rang it up---$400! I meekly asked: "Is that with the 40% off?" She shook her head in the affirimative with that "Yes, Dolt!" expression. So that was Christmas and birthday and maybe even the next Christmas but, I love it.

And everyday when I look at it I thank the unkown artist for painting it.
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