Friday, June 4, 2010

Just a few things

We got the Airstream sofa back from the upholsterer today!  Remember, it looked like this:
I have no after pictures yet as the sofa is still in pieces but should have it back together soon.  I can tell you there are NO flowers.  We have a vacation coming up in about 6 weeks, can't wait!

A recipe:  the spouse made this Mediterranean Portobello Burger for dinner on Memorial Day and it was wonderful!  Try it... no really, try it, you'll like it.
Another house plan that I love: Joseph Sandy 350 sq foot house  Efficiency with style.

Click the MondoBeyondo button to the right to find out what else I've been up to.



  1. Cool new photo atop the blog. It is new, right, or have I not been paying attention?

    Love the tiny house because it looks like a real house, not a large box. And the MondoBeyondo stuff looks great. Let's hear more about it...


  2. Cool new photo atop the blog. It is new, right, or have I not been paying attention?

    Love the tiny house because it looks like a real house, not a large box. And the MondoBeyondo stuff looks great. Let's hear more about it...


  3. It's new to the blog. It was taken last year from the small parking lot across from my house.
