I needed a mirror for above the washstand that sits in our quasi-entryway. The washstand came from my great-grandmother and had for many years lived in a garage as a workbench. Talk about patina! My dad lovingly brought it back to life for me and I've had it since the spousal unit and I were married. Previously the watercolor that I wrote about here, hung above it but in a small space mirrors and light are your friend and a mirror hung above the stand would reflect light and the outdoors from a window on the opposite wall.
Now, I don't know when you last purchased a mirror but holy, moly they are pricey, especially the larger ones. And I knew I wanted a substantial frame so, I put on my scavenger cap and went on a hunt. While thrifting one day I found an old white painted (looked like latex) frame that was about the size I had envisioned. Then on another day I happened on a mirror in a 1-inch fakewood frame for a couple of bucks. The mirror would not fit perfectly into the frame but I thought I could make it work and I did.
I like pretty things, I like cool things, I like recycled things. I like to make those pretty, cool, recycled things.
Mom of 2 amazing young men.
Wife to 1 husband.
RN at a Birth Center.
Artist, builder, healer.
Thoughtful blog you have here