I'm 52!
And have been for awhile. I've always thought it was so funny when women didn't want to tell their age. You know, to the point where they would get embarrassed and red-faced and look even older than whatever their age might have been. I'm 52, have some gray hair, some wrinkles and bat-wings. Hey, I've lived a life (or at least part of a life) and plan to live more. And I have to say, I am so sick of magazines headlines screaming that we should all be "HOT" at whatever age. I was hot once, just like I was cute when I was 6 and adorable as an infant. Now I want to be comfortable in my own skin, healthy and active. If someone thinks that's hot, OK, but that is not my goal in life. This is the season for me!
Blogs have brought me in touch with women who are going through the things that come with this season of life: gray hair, wrinkles, "will I have enough for retirement?" worries, keeping work meaningful, aging parents, death of parents. And they are writing about it honestly, warmly, humorously and sometimes laugh out loud funnily (hey, it's a word; it's even an adverb because it has -ly on the end). Today I want to share their blogs with you.
Rock the Silver- A blog about being fearlessly gray, relentlessly cool. (Thanks, Sara!)
Figment of My Cogitation-Poignant and funny, slices of life in the post-mother era.
GRACEful Retirement-Getting a late start on retirement saving and debt reduction in middle age with a middle class income.
For the First Time- Feminist Women Entering Retirement
Goldivas-e-mag For Women Over 5o Who Are Too Young to be Old
Retirement: A Full-Time Job-Syd is an early (pre-50) retiree who writes thoughtfully about her retired life, the economy, gardening, travel, just about everything.
Jamie Lee Curtis-You can follow her at the Huffington Post
Enjoy, Sistahs!
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